Monday, July 20, 2020

Time will Come
(A Pandemic Song)

Time will come,
before we succumb to hopelessness
and we will be walking hand in hand
along the sidewalk of the busy streets
without mask on our faces,
going desultorily through the lanes
with our arms across each-other’s waists.

Time will come
when we will again step into a roadside eatery,
eat warm samosas or momos from one single plate,
and walking across the zebra-crossing,
we will assimilate like molecules
into the buzzing swirl of market place,
charged with more vibrancy
we will find our way through ever-swelling crowd,
get onto an over-crowded bus
or a fuming and spluttering Bikram Tempo
to reach some other part of the city.

[From a corner of our vocabulary 
the word 'Sanitizer' will have evaporated
without leaving even a faint trace of its odour.]  

Time will come
when we will find ourselves in a jam-packed stadium
watching a football match or a cricket match,
you cheering shrilly for one team
and I shouting support for the other.
As the final whistle goes or the last ball is bowled
we will have already been in high and low tide.
Or in an open space away from the stadium,
abandoning ourselves on the dusty ground like many others,
we will be enjoying the sleight of hands of a street musician.

Raising our fists high up 
in a surging and boiling protest rally
we will be shouting slogans thunderously.
Time will come
when we will be joining wedding parties
vigorously shaking hands and hugging each other.
Drawing aside from the assemblage,
some invitees in pairs will be whispering intimate words
inhaling each-other’s breath.

Time will come
when we will be gathering in the neighbourhood
where death has occurred,
paying the deceased our last respect,
bidding him / her a decent final farewell. 

And on the same day in the evening,
we will be in a birthday party
singing in chorus – Happy Birthday to you !
But for now 
let us just be virtually happy 
for our virtual meeting
that hangs in-between illusion and reality.  

And who knows
even the day we have been waiting for
may just be a virtual one?    
July 12,  2020.

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