Tuesday, May 12, 2020

An Unwritten Poem  
-         Manprasad Subba

You ask me to write a poem for you
when all the words are dissociated from one another
and each of them has gone into isolation

Not a line takes form and I am utterly out of wit

The words that busily walked along the streets and lanes,
the words that commuted in buses and trains,
buzzed in and around the markets and shopping malls,
sometimes took to the streets in protests,
have now gone quietly into their dungeons

The words that sweated for their daily wages
the words that the parks and beaches teemed with
the words I was one with since time immemorial
are today quarantined in their individual cages

Now, how can I string lines with those words
That would convey my intimate feelings?

At this age of intricate interdependence
these poor words have been cruelly separated,
not like the islands that are constantly caressed by the hands
of murmuring sea-waves from the other shores
But these words are rendered lonely islands
with voids in between them
and light-years away from each other
utterly deprived of warm touch

How can a poem be born in such a lifeless void?

The Facebook wall invites, too, to write something
when each of the words is mercilessly exiled in distant isolation

In fact, I want to write poem
not only in the language you and I understand
but also in Chinese, Italian, Persian,
Spanish, German, French and many others…
But wherever I turn to I see the words quarantined
with lower half of their faces hidden in masks

So, my Love,
please, accept this blank sheet of paper
and feel upon it the heartbeat of a poem left unwritten
Or, stare with your eyes closed
at the blank screen of my Facebook wall
which is but the dark blank space
left by those poor departed souls

[Dedicated to those who succumbed to Covid-19 and also to those suffering from the same dreaded pandemic]  

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